“The Pill” is a Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award Finalist

I’m very pleased to have my novelette on this list of some of the best stories of last year. The other finalists are some of the best in the business:

  • “If You Take My Meaning”, Charlie Jane Anders (Tor.com 2/20)
  • “An Important Failure”, Rebecca Campbell (Clarkesworld 8/20)
  • “The Translator, at Low Tide”, Vajra Chandrasekera (Clarkesworld 5/20)
  • “The Mermaid Astronaut”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 2/20)
  • “50 Things Every AI Working With Humans Should Know”, Ken Liu (Uncanny 11/20)
  • “Yellow and the Perception of Reality”, Maureen McHugh (Tor.com 7/20)
  • “A Mastery of German”, Marian Denise Moore (Dominion)
  • “Ife-Iyoku, the Tale of Imadeyunuagbon”, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki (Dominion)
  • “A Guide for Working Breeds”, Vina Jie-Min Prasad (Tor.com 3/20)
  • “AirBody”, Sameem Siddiqui (Clarkesworld 4/20)


The Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award recognizes the best science fiction short story of each year. Established in 1987 by James Gunn and the heirs of Theodore Sturgeon, including his partner Jayne Engelhart Tannehill and Sturgeon’s children, it is “a memorial to one of the great short-story writers in a field distinguished by its short fiction.” The Gunn Center’s website hasn’t been updated in a bit, but the announcement is available in Locus Magazine.

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