I sent out 31 pieces this year:
- one novel
- one novella
- 23 short stories
- four essays
- two pieces of satire
I received 33 rejections in 2018.
I sold:
- one novel
- one novella
- 14 short stories
- two essays
- two pieces of satire
- one collection
Some of these stories sold to big markets. I had my first and only story in Shimmer this year. “Rapture” is eligible for the Hugo and the Nebula, if you’re a voter. Another will be in Lightspeed next month.
Some sold for markets that may or may not ever go to print (rhymes with Schmectable), some in anthologies that have not yet been announced. One was part of the Slate Future Tense series and I was so lucky to get to participate in that. I had an essay in Electric Lit about Gone with the Wind and another in Catapult about every girl I’ve ever loved. The collection was a surprise and is also awaiting a forthcoming announcement. The novella is in a similar spot, for now.
I’m calling my McSweeney’s pieces “sales” because although it’s a nonpaying market, I know it helps sell books every time I place a byline there.
I sold two reprints to Kickstarter anthologies, one with Compelling Science Fiction and one for “The Writer’s Book of Doubt,” which is now offering stretch goals. Both of these were solicited and thus don’t count toward my submissions numbers.
The novel I sold this year was The Book of Flora. With this book, I finish my Road to Nowhere series and I can’t wait for you to read it.
This is fewer rejections and more sales than last year.
I wrote two novels and two novellas this year. I wrote an uncounted number of shorts, articles, and other stuff. I freelanced for SyFy and taught creative writing and edited manuscripts and blurbed books and launched a Patreon. I also helped found and produce a monthly reading series called Cliterary Salon.
It’s been a very good, very busy year.
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